Dr. Mihai Nadin Dr. Sandra Bond Chapman Dr. Balakrishnan Prabhakaran Frank Dufour Dr. Gerhard Fischer Gaurav Pradhan Dr. Klaus Truemper Dr. Midori Kitagawa Dr. Navzer Engineer Dr. Sergio Albeverio Dr. Thomas Linehan Thom Gillespie |
The various projects developed so far are pursued in an interdisciplinary manner. The following are active participants in the Seneludens project. Dr. Mihai Nadin Mihai Nadin, with advanced degrees in engineering and philosophy, logic, and the theory of science, is one of the first scholars to dedicate research to the particular subject of anticipation. The graduate lecture �Minds and Configuration: Intelligence is Process� (1988) reported on research he carried out at Ohio State University during his tenure (endowed chair). The wide interest in the subject led to a book: Mind�Anticipation and Chaos (1991), published in the prestigious series, �Milestones in Thought and Discovery� (Belser Presse, Zurich/Stuttgart). The book established a foundation for the understanding of anticipation from the perspective of dynamic systems theory applied to the mind. (At about the same time, the mathematician Robert Rosen advanced his own ideas based on his work on the mathematical foundation of biology.) Pursuing research in anticipation at Stanford University (1999), Nadin focused on dynamic systems. Pursuant work in anticipation led to an invitation from Lotfi Zadeh to do research at the BISC Lab at the University of California-Berkeley. Research on integrating anticipation in computation and control mechanisms was also funded through contracts with industry (especially DaimlerChrysler and Audi). Nadin has written extensively on anticipation. Defining the field as �data rich and theory poor,� Nadin published (2003) Anticipation�The End Is Where We Start From, reporting on almost 10 years of research supported by the DFG (the German NSF) and by other prominent European Foundations. He serves on the Editorial Board of Real-Time Systems and is the publisher of the Digital Horizons series (Synchron Publishers, Heidelberg ). Dr. Sandra Bond Chapman Sandra Bond Chapman is the Director of the Center of BrainHealth� at The University of Texas at Dallas . Under her leadership, the Center has developed research programs dedicated to understanding, preserving and healing the brain. The Center's goal is to optimize brain health after brain injury or disease, and to facilitate natural aging across the life span. Chapman's work bridges the gap between research and practice to develop more rapid application of therapies. Her research spans the age spectrum from studies that evaluate plasticity in brain-injured children and adolescents to research focused on understanding the potential for plasticity throughout adulthood into old age. She has developed diagnostic measures and treatment protocols that have shown to be powerful tools in identifying and enhancing cognitive-linguistic function in children and adults with brain injury, stroke, and brain diseases such as Alzheimers and Frontotemporal Dementia, as well as in the healthy brain aging into old age. She also serves as Head of the Focus Group on Diseases of the Aging Brain for the Institute of Biomedical Sciences and Technology at UT Dallas. Dr. Chapman's research explores relationships among cognitive abilities, discourse function, neurological profiles and intervention as well as drug therapies using structural brain imaging measures (MRI) and functional brain imaging measures (SPECT, fMRI). She has received continuous funding for her research from the National Institute of Health and the National Institute on Aging. She has established rich collaborations with major medical centers across the country. Dr. Chapman has published extensively and is invited to present her research findings and unique clinical approach to enhancing brain function across the country. Dr. Balakrishnan Prabhakaran Dr. Balakrishnan Prabhakaran has been working in the area of multimedia systems: multimedia databases, authoring & presentation, resource management, and scalable web-based multimedia presentation servers. He has published several research papers in prestigious conferences and journals in this area. Prabhakaran specializes in interactive multimedia strategies for analog and digital servers. He also works on animation databases and their applications using motion mapping and inverse kinematics and has researched development of a toolkit that helps in generation of new animations based on existing ones. He has also worked on partial resolution of fuzzy queries and a Context Free Grammar approach for animation model/motion representation. Dr. Prabhakaran received the NSF CAREER Award FY 2003 for his proposal on Animation Databases. He has served as an Associate Chair of the ACM Multimedia'2003 (November 2003, California ), ACM MM 2000, and ACM MM'99 conferences. He has served as guest-editor (special issue on Multimedia Authoring and Presentation) for ACM Multimedia Systems journal. He also serves on the editorial board of Multimedia Tools and Applications journal (Kluwer Academic Publishers). Dr. Thomas Linehan Dr. Thomas Linehan is the Director of the Institute for Interactive Arts and Engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas . His academic experience and interest in new research perspectives go back to his role in the Advanced Computing Center at the Ohio State University (1980-1989). His involvement with Motion Capture also goes back to that time and led to spectacular results: the capture of the entire repertory of the world's best known mime Marcel Marceau. This material in itself is a goldmine for the study of anticipation as it relates to a rich repertory of human action. Moreover, Linehan has a solid record of research (most recently on projects of Alcatel), and most important, an exemplary record of involving students and Ph.D. candidates in significant projects. Thom Gillespie Thom Gillespie is Director and creator of the MIME program in the department of Telecommunications at Indiana University . MIME is a computer game design program which draws on existing talent and classes from a variety of departments and schools at Indiana University . He is also a Clinical Associate Professor, who brings to the project, as a partner from a program not usually associated with the type of research we are pursuing, a novel perspective on games and game design. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Museum of the Person in Sao Paolo Brazil, and Consultant for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (in Rome), positions which testify to his interest in the problems of human dynamics today. As a graduate and post-graduate advisor, he works with 35 MA candidates and 5 at the PhD level�and will bring some of their input to the project. Klaus Truemper Klaus Truemper is a senior researcher in the project. He developed and implemented (mostly with PhD students) 6 large software systems: Leibniz System for logic programming, which will be used for a new category of applications within this research; Lsquare System for learning logic: Laempel System for textspell, syntax, and semantics checking; Kritzel for handwriting interpretation; OCHEM for exposure management of hazardous materials; FasTrac for tra_c simulation and control. He published 3 books, 40 papers in major journals, 3 book chapters. Among the publications, the most recent, Design of Logic-based Intelligent Systems (Wiley, New York , 2004, 352 pages) is of direct interest to our attempt to fit the data to future games. Navzer Engineer Navzer Engineer is a postdoctoral senior member of the team. He got his Ph.D. in Cognition and Neuroscience at UT Dallas and published several very respected articles on a subject very close to this research: plasticity in the auditory cortex. Dr. Navzer Engineer is interested in brain plasticity, aging and, in particular, computer based interactive applications to stimulate brain plasticity. Gerhard Fischer Consultant Gerhard Fischer is the Director of the Center for LifeLong Learning and Design, a fellow of the institute for Cognitive science (ICS), and professor in the Department of Computer Science, all at the University of Colorado-Boulder. His research interests include: lifelong learning, design, meta-design, software design, creativity, social creativity, distributed intelligence, human-computer interaction, and design-for-all (assistive technologies). Anticipation presents an exciting new perspective to these areas. The goal of the Center for LifeLong Learning and Design is to establish, both by theoretical work and by building prototype systems, the scientific foundations for the construction of intelligent systems that serve as amplifiers of human capabilities (e.g., to expand human memory, augment human reasoning, and facilitate human communication. Sergio Albeverio Sergio Albeverio, cooperation partner in Germany , is a mathematical physicist with broad interests. During his tenure in Germany , Nadin collaborated with Albeverio on mathematical models of anticipation. His current interests lie in the theory of stochastic processes and applications, in particular stochastic analysis and its interactions with partial differential equations, functional analysis, nonstandard analysis and its applications, mathematical modeling (biology, economics, physics, urban studies, traffic). His list of publications is 58 pages long, extending back to 1967, and includes edited books, articles in books and peer-reviewed journals, proceedings, and monographs. The University of Bonn is a research-oriented university�at top of ranking for research in Germany �that cooperates with numerous universities and research establishments around the world. It has developed teaching and research specializations that enjoy worldwide recognition. T he School of Mathematics is among the best in Europe . Professor Albeverio is a member of the International Center for Complex Systems. In this framework, he co-chaired the conference on Extreme Events, in which the role of anticipation in dealing with extreme events was a major topic of interest. |
Seneludens builds on the competence base acquired at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD): an impressive amount of research in brain science and cognitive science—a great deal of which is dedicated to various aspects of aging. It also builds on the competence of faculty and Ph.D. candidates in computer science, engineering, and humanities. The new Institute for Interactive Arts and Engineering, which is attracting fresh talent (undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and researchers) beyond the initial expectations of its founders, will be involved in many aspects of this project. Seneludens will also benefit from the study of anticipation—a multidisciplinary endeavor involving mathematicians, computer scientists, cognitive scientists, neuroscientists, among others—that the new Institute for Research in Anticipatory Systems (antÉ, for short) is conducting. |
ant� : Institute for Research in Anticipatory Systems The University of Texas at Dallas � 2004, 2005 |